Monique Hunt - Guardian Ancestors Telesummit

Special Offer:

Ask Your Spirit Guides 101 –
Partnering with Your Divine Village
Audio Program and eJournal

Regular price $97 Click here for Guardian Ancestor Telesummit price – $47 Coupon Code: ANCESTOR


From Dr. Monique:

If you want to communicate with Your Spirit Guides and Ancestors and want solid, safe techniques that will help you connect on a deep level, Ask Your Spirit Guides 101 is for you.

The Ask Your Spirit Guides course is an audio program that you receive as an instant download. You will receive guided meditation audios and an ejournal that are included on our exclusive Ask Your Spirit Guides Resource Page and a dedicated forum to connect with other intuitives. You will receive techniques to help connect with your guides, energy cleansing guides, and other valuable information.

I worked closely with my guides to channel this program to help you start your connection with your Spirit Guides. This practical step-by-step guide is not filled with stuff that you find everywhere on the internet. It is a unique and different course and here is why:

This course covers the Essential Keys to Communicate with Your Spirit Guides

There are things you must know and master before you start connecting with your guides. Overlook them and you will find it more challenging to have a deeply guided relationship. In fact, people often miss these keys and wonder why they are having challenges connecting with their Guides.

I believe in keeping things simple and down-to-earth. I want to demystify the spirit realm and show you a practical way to help you connect with your divine guidance. I want anyone who is feeling called to connect with their Guides to be able to have the solid information and techniques for partnering with their Guides.

Dr. Monique E. Hunt – The Village Intuitive

Interviews with villagers in remote villages in Fiji, her passion for the Science of Happiness and her gifts as a third generation intuitive, have made Dr. Monique, the Village Intuitive, a sought after expert on how to be happy now with help from your higher guidance. She believes our obsession with success and self-sufficiency is undermining our pursuit of happiness. She knows from personal experience that friendship, togetherness, belonging, and a deep connection with your Spiritual Village of Angels, Ancestors, and Spirit Guides are the vital ingredients in the recipe for happiness.
Dr. Monique’s Spiritual Retreats, Virtual Retreats and Wisdom from the Village Program teach you how to pa
rtner with your Spiritual Village to build the inner foundation needed to create meaningful relationships and live your Soul’s purpose. She knows that these are the factors that make for an abundant and happy life.

Dr. Monique is the collaboration director and author of “Village Pearls: Sacred Practices to Nourish Your Soul.” “Village Pearls” includes spiritual practices used by 21 dynamic spiritual teachers to help them live their purpose and connect with their Village of Angels, Ancestors, Spirit Guides, and community. Dr. Monique has been a presenter for events and organizations such as PG&E, EMC Corporation, United States Coast Guard, Toastmaster’s Conference, Blacks in Government Organization, Women’s Empowerment Conferences, Community Action of Napa Valley, CSU Sacramento, University of San Francisco, and The San Francisco Business Renaissance Center.

In 1998, Dr. Monique traded in her corporate office for a home office and started her business as an intuitive counselor. She has a BA in Construction Management Engineering with a minor in math and business, an MA in Metaphysical Counseling and a Ph.D. in Metaphysics. Dr. Monique works with clients internationally, spreading her message; Happiness is a Choice, and Your Guides Can Help You!

To learn more about how Dr. Monique can support you with connecting with your Spirit Guides, Angels, and Ancestors on your journey to happiness, visit her website.

Dr. Monique’s Facebook Page:

Ask Your Spirit Guides – Spirit Village

Village Pearls Community –

Gratitude Village –

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