Misha Dancing Waters - Guardian Ancestors Telesummit

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Misha Dancing Waters is an enthusiastic lover of nature and our sacred landscape; her passion is working with the Earth, sacred sites, and the ancestral spirits of the land. Trained in the ancient Indigenous spiritual beliefs, ceremony, and healing methods of numerous tribes from North to South America, Misha loves to share the wisdom and messages of the Elders. She serves as a Bridge Person in this life, assisting in communication and collaboration on many levels. Misha bridges languages and cultures in her work as a professional Spanish Interpreter and Translator, as she bridges the conscious and the unconscious, and the worlds between Spirit and this physical world in her spiritual work. She is an energy worker, healer, teacher, ceremonialist, seer, psychopomp, and animal communicator living in Madison, WI . www.JourneysWithJaguar.com