Jude Lally - Guardian Ancestors Telesummit

Click here for Jude’s Cailleach Course

Jude Lally is an artist, a writer and holder of sacred space.

She grew up a few miles from Loch Lomond, where the river Leven meets the River Clyde, on the West Coast of Scotland.

She gained her masters degree in Human Ecology at the University of Strathclyde (Glasgow, Scotland) with her thesis ‘Fire in the Head, Heart and Hand: A Study of the Goddess Brigit as Goddess Archetype and her Relevance to Cultural Activists in Contemporary Scotland.

She moved to Asheville, NC in 2009 where she runs her Celtic Soul School offering a program of workshops and online course created around a sacred circle reclaiming the tools of female shamanism, sacred creativity and women’s mysteries.

She is a radical doll maker taking the craft back to its roots of honoring, ritual and magic. Her making process is a ritual of meditative state – a co-creative dance between the worlds. The doll is a sacred container for the divine, which weaves its own circle through space and time urging us to take up our own responsibilities as living ancestors.

Her current work is taking her on a pilgrimage home to Scotland and Ireland in a project entitled The Ancient Mothers of Loch Lomond. Her sacred pilgrimage tours to Loch Lomond launch in 2017. You can follow her journey via her website and the Ancient Mothers Facebook page.

Website: www.celticsoulcraft.com

Facebook: Celtic Soul Craft: http://www.facebook.com/Celtic-Soul-Craft-127237380645774/

Ancient Mothers of Loch Lomond: https://www.facebook.com/Ancient-Mothers-of-Loch-Lomond-Cailleach-Deer-Goddess-Brighid-Clutha-857302574365098/

Online shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/celticsoulcraft